Warden Finance is a finance and budgeting app. Users can track their transcations and see how much money they are spending on food, gas, and all of their expenses. I decided to make this app because I needed to track where my money was going to keep on top of my finances. Warden finance is my solution to keeping track of my money and making smart financial decisions.
Typescript · React · Express.js · PostgreSQL
Learn Geo is an educational site where the user can view information about all the countries of the world. Learn Geo also offers games to learn including quizzes and interactive maps. I really enjoy geography and knowing about the world around me which inspired me to make this project. Learn Geo utilizes an API I created to get information on the countries, and is open for anyone to use.
Typescript · Next.js · React · Express.js · MongoDB
Boost Fitness is a fitness platform where users can track the calories they eat and the minutes they exercise each day and have the calories that they burned for the day automatically calculated along with a plan for the week on how they can reach the goals they set. I was inspired to make this because I was looking for a place to track my fitness but they didn't have what I wanted, so I decided to make it myself.
C# · .Net · MVC · Microsoft SQL Database
This is an e-commerce website created with items obtained from fakestore api it displays the items from the inventory stored in a database and tracks the items items that the user wants to buy with a cart system, and provides seamless checkout with stripe integration.
React · Express.js · Node.js · MongoDB
SketchDetect is a form of Artificial Intelligence that can tell what a user is drawing. I find AI very interesting and wanted to create my own. With very little computing power and having to collect all of the data by myself I decided on making the most complex neural network that I thought would be plausible, and decided on making one that can detect hand drawn images.
Python · Flask · TensorFlow · Numpy · PIL
About Me
I am a 20 year old software developer from Ohio, I enjoy Golfing, Fantasy Football, and helping friends with their programming homework. I first starting programming in highschool, and was immediately fascinated. Now I encourage everyone to learn how to program and see the world they are missing out on.
Contact Me
My Skills
These are some of the skills that are highlighted in my projects and portfolio.
Each of my projects has a breakdown of which skills were used to make it.
If you want to view a project with a specific skill click on the skill and it will take you to the project.